Dead Or Alive 5 Guide
Story Mode
We will start with Story Mode for several reasons, one of them beingness graphic symbol unlocks. Before yous begin, remember to not skip whatsoever cut-scenes equally you lot must sentry them all for an achievement. There are 72 chapters in the story and the fights are not very difficult, there is even so a bonus mission for each fight and doing it unlocks a title. If you meet the requirements for the title, you nevertheless accept to win the fight otherwise you have to beginning over. Don't worry if you lot tin can't do information technology as there is a level select and you lot tin endeavor again at any fourth dimension.
Win the first fight
Win the 2nd fight
Defeat Akira in the story (Chapter 15, unlocks him as a grapheme)
Finish Chapter 18
Defeat Sarah in the story (Chapter 20, unlocks her equally a graphic symbol)
Finish Chapter 53
Finish Story Fashion
Finish Story Way without skipping cutscenes
Watch all movies in Story mode without skipping whatsoever of them.
one guide
Miscellaneous Achievements
Now that the story manner is done, it'southward time to work on some random achievements lying around.
Become two controllers and start a Versus match. When selecting the stage, hit to plough off dangers zones, then win without getting hit and save the replay. Become to Extras in the Master Menu and select Spectator mode on the replay you but saved. While it'south playing, hit start and go to "have photograph" and salve the film. Quit the replay and go to the photo album in the Extras menu. Likewise in the Extras bill of fare, go into your Fight Record.
Safety First
Turn Danger Zones off on the Phase Select screen.
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Now go into Preparation style and striking the start push and select 'Fight Screen Info'. Select 'Move Details' and plough them on. Support a flake in the menus and plow on command grooming.
At present to get an accomplishment for playing each mode once. Choice the rookie course of Arcade/Time Trial/Survival and finish it.
Next for some online achievements. Create an online foyer (y'all don't accept to play a match for i accomplishment) and and so play a entrance hall match. It'due south probably faster to join ane that's already made.
Before yous commencement the other modes, you should know that can you lot put a fighter in your fighters listing after you play against him in a simple or ranked lucifer. You need 5 of these fighters, then play i lucifer of Simple and Ranked, then three more matches in either while registering him in your fighters list. Also play some other four matches for an easy achievement.
Annals 5 fighters in your Fight Listing.
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Now that yous have a couple of fighters in your listing, become to the fighters listing from the online menu and send them a throwdown claiming. Generally y'all volition go a message proverb that they can't fight, but when the challenge goes to them they will get a option to accept or not. Either manner, you get an accomplishment. If it doesn't go to them for whatever reason it would be easier for you to get a friend on your fighters list and ship him a challenge.
Beginning Throwdown
Transport a Throwdown Challenge to someone in your Fighter Listing.
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Now to get some achievements in Versus matches (best done with two controllers). Chose the stage chosen Scramble and hit player 2 into the yellow confined. When the bars autumn down, hit him into information technology once more and he will fly off. At present with the second controller, hit to catch on to the edge and you, as role player 1, will need to hitting either punch/kick/throw to assault the other thespian.
Downwards You Go
Successfully attack during a Cliffhanger.
1 guide
Now that you accept done that, have player 2 weaken you to one-half health, so that it'south flashing red, and so do a power blow. If you don't know the command, it'southward in the move list. Either way, when the ability accident hits information technology should do a little cut-scene attack and you lot will get:
When the friction match ends, striking "Replay" and make yourself get knocked off into the cliffhanger spot. Have player two throw a punch and mash either block or throw on your controller to set on them.
At present load up a versus lucifer on The Show phase. What you want to do here is lower your wellness for a power accident and take role player ii near the large clown oral fissure. And so exercise a power blow and make sure that the clown is highlighted in orange (if it's not, hit left or correct to switch targets.)
Trigger the Special Danger Zone in The Show.
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Now go to the Hot Zone phase. Start off by knocking player ii into the explosive barrels backside, and then lower your health. Move player two over to the sandbags and at this signal there should be a helicopter flight around. You want to power blow and have the helicopter as the target.
For the side by side part you will demand to play 100 versus matches. The easiest way to do this is change the fight settings: Set up the AI to the highest difficulty, HP to lowest and Rounds to one. Start a friction match with the AI on a small stage like one of the arenas. When the AI wins, simply hitting replay.
Now you volition be doing command preparation. At this point y'all probably simply take 22 characters and yous will probably unlock Pai while doing this. If she doesn't, just do a couple more titles then practice her Command Training. Go to training mode, hit Commencement and chose Control Training. Videos and hints for these will exist in the title section of this walkthrough. You will go 23 titles at the terminate of this, simply not the achievement equally you lot still need to practice it with Alpha-152, but you will get a unlike achievement though.
Side by side, go to Versus mode (with two controllers). You volition be doing fifty character-specfic tag throws. Only selection a character from the list below and do tag throws with them, and then do another tag throw with the other character, and so switch characters and practice information technology once again until you reach fifty.
Ayane - Bass Armstrong, Gen Fu, Jann Lee, Kasumi, Ryu Hayabusa Hayate, Kokoro
Bass Armstrong - Ayane, Bayman, Gen Fu, Jann Lee, Kasumi, Ryu Hayabusa, Tina Armstrong, Zack, La Mariposa, Mila, Rig
Bayman - Bass Armstrong, Gen Fu, Jann Lee, Ryu Hayabusa, Tina Armstrong, Zack, Christie
Brad Wong - Christie, Gen Fu, Hayate, Kasumi, Eliot, Kokoro, Zack
Christie - Brad Wong, Hayate, Helena Douglas, Bayman
Eliot - Brad Wong, Hayate, Helena Douglas
Gen Fu - Ayane, Bass Armstrong, Bayman, Helena Douglas, Jann Lee, Kasumi, Leifang, Ryu Hayabusa, Tina Armstrong, Zack, Brad Wong, Eliot
Hayate - Ayane, Brad Wong, Christie, Ryu Hayabusa
Helena Douglas - Gen Fu, Kasumi, Leifang, Ryu Hayabusa, Christie
Jann Lee - Ayane, Bass Armstrong, Bayman, Gen Fu, Leifang, Ryu Hayabusa
Kasumi - Ayane, Bass Armstrong, Ein, Gen Fu, Helena Douglas, Ryu Hayabusa, Tina Armstrong, Brad Wong, Zack
Kokoro - Ayane, Brad Wong, Eliot, Hayate
Leifang - Gen Fu, Helena Douglas, Jann Lee, Tina Armstrong, Zack, Eliot
Mila - Bass Armstrong, Tina Armstrong
Rig - Bass Armstrong
Ryu Hayabusa - Ayane, Bass Armstrong, Bayman, Gen Fu, Helena Douglas, Jann Lee, Kasumi, Tina Armstrong, Zack, Hayate
Tina Amstrong - Bass Armstrong, Bayman, Gen Fu, Kasumi, Leifang, Ryu Hayabusa, Zack, La Mariposa, Mila
Zack - Bass Armstrong, Bayman, Gen Fu, Leifang, Tina Armstrong, Brad Wong, Ryu Hayabusa, Kasumi
Now to work on some titles for the last grapheme. There are many easy titles you tin get, but commencement first with cleaning upwardly the story's bonus missions. Which capacity that have which mission is listed on the title folio of this walkthrough. You tin do these in any order you similar, but they are all rather elementary.
- Utilise each graphic symbol once (versus/arcade/online) for 24 titles.
- Country a Power Blow with each graphic symbol for 24 titles.
- Land a Ability Blow with each character during a Critical Burst for 24 titles.
- Land a strike with each character during a Bewilderment for 24 titles.
- Land a throw with each graphic symbol during a Cliffhanger for 24 titles.
- Save ten replays.
- Download ten replays.
- Perform 100 taunts.
- Country 100 combos of 10 hits or more.
- Land 100 strikes from a Cliffhanger.
- Guard 100 strikes from a Bewilderment.
- Land 100 throws from a Cliffhanger.
- Escape 100 throws from a Bewilderment.
- Country 100 Critical Bursts.
- Land 100 Special Power Blows.
- Land 100 Power Blows.
- Perform 100 Hi Counter Holds.
- Perform 100 Hi Counter Throws.
- Perform 100 Hi Counter Strikes
- Tech Scroll 100 times.
- Perform 100 Combo Throws.
- Perform 100 Crouching Throws.
- Perform 100 continuing throws.
- Agree 100 strikes.
- Use crouching baby-sit to block 100 strikes.
- Use continuing guard to block 100 strikes.
- Go all of a Character's Costumes for xx titles (non including Blastoff-152, Lisa, Tina, Christie).
- Consummate each difficulty on Tag and Solo for Arcade, Time Attack and Survival for a title for each difficulty (easier difficulties will go you some titles faster).
There is more than information on the last page of this walkthrough, only once you finally get 300 titles y'all will unlock Alpha-152.
First, complete her command preparation (which happens to be the easiest one).
Side by side, finish an Arcade run for her just extra costume, then lose a fight with her and all the other 23 characters.
You may have gotten everyone'south costumes, but if you haven't, hither is a list of how many they take:
Kasumi: 6
Ryu: 4
Brad: 5
Elliot: 5
Mila: 6
Tina: vii
Helena: 5
Lisa: 7
Kokoro: 6
Akira: ii
Genfu: ii
Bayman: v
Christie: half dozen
Sarah: ii
Pai: 2
Rig: iv
Bass: 4
Jann Lee: 5
Leifang: viii
Zack: 4
Hitomi: 6
Ayane: 6
Hayate: four
Alpaha-152: 3
You unlock one costume for each difficulty you beat the Arcades modes on with the character y'all are using. Information technology's easier to just do tag Arcade or Time Attack as its shorter. So, just catch everyone'due south costumes, although Tina, Christie and Lisa all accept a special costume, To earn them, y'all volition need to practise the following:
Tina - You need to complete Arcade Fable without continues. A practiced combo with Tina is
. This combo is a backflip which knocks them to the ground, and then
is a ground throw, although the CPU likes to dodge sometimes.
Christie - Fourth dimension Attack Fable without continues.
Lisa - Complete Legend Survival.
You don't need to use the grapheme in the mode to get the costume, y'all just accept to beat out them on Legend without continues. Here is a video of someone using Ryu to beat fable rather easily.
For these achievements y'all must complete all of tag and solo matches with ane graphic symbol, so if you did the above costumes correct at present, just end the rest of the difficulties with whatever character you beat Legend with. Survival only has solo matches, but is very difficult and may be ane of the last achievements you get.
For survival these are the amount of people you confront on each difficulty:
Rookie: 10; Easy: 20; Normal: 30; Hard: 50; Champ: 100; Truthful Fighter: 100; Chief: 100; Legend: 100.
At present for the rather time consuming online achievements. Beginning we will practice invitations. If you lot had a partner for the Throwdown Challenge before (or you can become a friend on your fighters list now) you can just have him send fight requests until the accomplishment unlocks, although it must be 50 different challenges every bit yous tin't simply striking 'fight again' afterward the match is over. If yous don't have a partner, and then y'all'll need to expect in preparation way for a piddling red envelope to appear in the lesser right corner, and hitting to accept information technology. It tends to say that the opponent isn't bachelor a lot of the time, and then i would recommend a partner.
Now, this would exist easier with a partner because you lot can set rounds and health to the everyman. But, yous take to play 100 and 1,000 online matches (winning them doesn't matter). If you lot play legitimately, you lot volition unremarkably find 3-5 round games with large periods of waiting in-between, either fashion information technology will accept quite a scrap of time to finish all of the matches.
And if yous take finished Legend Survival at this signal, you will get the final achievement for getting all achievements.
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